Knowledge Base

How do I change my password?

To change your password, first off log into the main webmail interface as you would normally.


Then go to the drop-down menu at the top right-hand side (you should see your name)


Depending on whether you're using the “traditional” or “modern” web interfaces these both look slightly different (see screenshots below)


Change Password Dropdown



Select the “Change Password” option and a pop-up may appear warning you that you will be signed out of your accounts when you change your password.  Accept this warning and proceed to the next page which is the Change Password form.  







  • Enter your old password and your new password twice into this popup and then click “Set Password”.


  • Once done your passwords for the Billing and Support systems, as well as webmail / pop / imap / smtp access will all be changed to your new password.


  • If you have lost your password and need to perform a reset to regain access to your account then you will need to raise a support ticket and speak to one of our staff who will need to go through security with you to validate you before they are able to give you access to the mailbox.


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